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About Garner Tampary

Garner Tampary was the epitome of "the life of the party." If you didn't have a smile on your face when you met him, you would by the time you said "see you later," because you'd always leave wanting to see him again. He never met a stranger and was loved by every person he met. Although many people knew him as an outgoing young man, who truly was fearless and lived a life without regrets, he was actually a rather shy child. By junior high, he started becoming more and more outgoing and became the happy-go-lucky young man we all came to know and love. An outstanding big brother to three younger brothers, Garner knew the importance of family and was always there with the biggest smile on his face.

Garner grew up loving all things outdoors, including skimboarding, baseball, basketball, soccer, and football. He was an excellent athlete, excelling in every sport he played.  After graduating from Gulf Shores High School in 2019, he went on to study at Jacksonville State University. During his time there, he joined Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity and made many amazing friends along the way. After moving back to Gulf Shores, Garner began trying to figure out which direction his life should go. He was learning several lessons from decisions he made and was beginning to realize what mattered most in life. Garner lived life to the fullest and saw the best in everyone. 


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